Wednesday, January 26, 2011


This morning we got a call from race control requesting our assistance, they reported that the yacht "Spirit of Izivunguvungu" had run out of water as their water maker was not working and they did not have sufficient reserves.. They had requested assistance and we were the nearest yacht from their position...
One of the basic maritime requeirements is that when you are called to assist, if at all possible you have a requirement to do so..
In this case, it was our pleasure to help our fellow competitors with something so dire as water.. Out in the South Atlantic you will not live for long without water..

We knew their position and routing through the trqacking suystem and therefore we chenged from our intended course, gybed and tight reached to their station. We managed to eventually contact them on VHF and indicated we were on our way and the procedure to transfer the water..

We met mid ocean a little beofore 11h00 UTC.. Gave then the intructions for the transfer.. (As there was almost 20 knots blowing and a sea running, the two boats could not come alongside otherwise the two boats would get damaged) We transfered the water on a rope strung between the two boats keeping the boats 40 feet apart..

First accross we sent them some 100 Plus, an Isotonic drink specifically designed to hydrate a person. We managed to spare 20 cans..
They immediately gulped it down.. immediately looking refreshed..

We then were able to transfer a further 140 litres of water which will be more then sufficient for the rest of their voyage..

The transfer took around 45 minutes.. It was a well executed process..In the end they said their thank yous and we both turned and carried on sailing..

For them a bit for of a formality as receiving water in the rules is cause for immediate disqualification. taking them officially out of the race. The rules are very stringent in this regard.

"Spirit of Izivunguvungu" is the first boat we have seen since the second day of racing.. they were in good spirits, looking good and glad to get their much needed water..

We will be aplying to race control for redress of 6 hours.. made of of us altering from our planned strategy, reaching to the meet point(not sailing the optimum angle) and the time taken to slow down, stop, do the transfer and then get going again.. We were now puhed the the side we were not planning to sail.

So today has been active aboard Yacht Xtra Link.. Everyone has just started packing away all the equipment and getting the boat sorted..

We should have sufficient water for the rest of our race..

From all on Xtra-Link.



  1. Well done XTRA-Link. The spirit of competition is best exemplified with respect and care for fellow competitors.

    Melanie and Dudley

  2. Subject: Excellent Work
    To all aboard.

    Truly amazing “ well done “ outstanding “ all of you are true winners
    in this race. First prize for utter dedication for the sport and
    seamanship. I praise you and salute you all. May you be all truly
    blessed forever “ You have now taken first place in my heart.

    Fair Winds.

    Hd Landcapes <

  3. XTRA-LINK - Salutations on an amazing rescue mission and more important true sportmanship. Well done! This deserves first prize. Marika
