It has been quite surprising how many ships we have seen on this voyage. Another two passed us in the last 24 hours, the latest one, M/V Pistis, passed so close that we could read the name on her bow. As we were in close proximity I thought it polite to call him up on the radio and say hello. The officer on watch was very friendly and informed us that they were en route from Cape Town to San Lorenzo in Argentina. At the moment they are in ballast but due to pick up a cargo of wheat to take to Mombasa. Now that must make you think a bit about how far food travels before it reaches your dinner table! I wonder what is wrong with South African wheat that she didn't load a cargo there? The mysteries of international marketing...at least it has given us something to think about!
Other than that the beat goes on. We have tacked a several times as the wind remains in the east and while we are trying to get south of the high pressure we are also still trying to put in some easting. At the moment we are heading NE but will tack again at the change of watch and then we expect the wind to back quickly as the high pressure moves away and a frontal system approaches us. After that the forecast is quite good for the next few days with a lot of reaching and running forecast. It is mostly cloudy and cool now with the occasional light rain shower.
With the cooler weather and colder water the Flying fishes have all but disappeared. One landed on deck last night but since then I have not seen any more. The Cory's shearwaters are getting close to out numbering the White-chinned petrels, and several little Storm-petrels have also turned up today. I think they are White- bellied Storm-petrels which probably breed on Tristan da Cunha.
Other than that the beat goes on. We have tacked a several times as the wind remains in the east and while we are trying to get south of the high pressure we are also still trying to put in some easting. At the moment we are heading NE but will tack again at the change of watch and then we expect the wind to back quickly as the high pressure moves away and a frontal system approaches us. After that the forecast is quite good for the next few days with a lot of reaching and running forecast. It is mostly cloudy and cool now with the occasional light rain shower.
With the cooler weather and colder water the Flying fishes have all but disappeared. One landed on deck last night but since then I have not seen any more. The Cory's shearwaters are getting close to out numbering the White-chinned petrels, and several little Storm-petrels have also turned up today. I think they are White- bellied Storm-petrels which probably breed on Tristan da Cunha.
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