As at 08h00 UTC this morning our position is:
Yesterday we got some breeze which had us skipping along with the Assym..
We then entered a rain cloud with severe rain for just short of an hour.. Temperatures high, with high humidity. After the rain cloud, the winds became fickle with it shifting a lot, with it neccesitating lots of sail changes to keep moving.
During the night it remained very light. At time of writing, we have around 8 knots and we are doing just short of 5 knots.. We are trying to out-manoevre a rain cloud after which we can alter course and hoist the light Assym..
The last few days have been quite frustrating with us seeing our ETA being moved quite radically. This in turn will put any chance of a poduim finish under threat... We Perservere.
Best from all aboard Xtra-Link..
Oi - hang in there guys. Sorry to hear about the podium finish perhaps not happening. But I have to say - would you rather be working right now? Enjoy the last few days!